Gadgety ways to celebrate Australia Day

Snap some fireworks

If you think you had your fill of fireworks at New Years, think again: there’s more to enjoy with the Oz Day fireworks displays that take place across the country.

To find out when they’re on in your state, hit up the links (below) at the Australia Day site, and then check out our tips for taking great shots of fireworks whether you’re using a compact camera or your brand new smartphone.

Spend a day inside

If it’s raining and you’re forced to stay inside, don’t fret – it’s just the weather.

Instead, take some time to kick back and relax. Stretch out on the couch, grab the remote, and check out a movie over Quickflix on your TV or PS3. Or watch the cricket or the Australian Open. Or make a dint in that terabyte of TV shows you’ve recorded onto your PVR, but haven’t had time to enjoy

Better yet, flip on your games console and get stuck into that video game title you’ve been trying to master since you bought it in the Boxing Day sales.