Instagram adds features, removes itself from Twitter

Hipster photographers and lovers of the retro look, Instagram is being updated, with the latest version bringing with it a grid to help you better plan your shots and a new filter.

Used by smartphone users across the world, Instagram’s vintage photographic look is receiving a new black & white filter called “Willow” which brings a slight white border, for those of you shooting lovely monochromatic images on your phones.

Android's Instagram app

Tilt shift blurring has been changed, too, apparently to provide better accuracy for perspective shift lenses, albeit without the thousands of dollars price tag they normally come with.

Users of the iPhone and iPod Touch also get something else, with a new interface that brings a simple grid to help align those photos as you’re taking them and a small built-in gallery in case you’re cropping a photo shot with the regular camera.

Android users don’t get this last thing, but the app is available now, for update or fresh install.

Instagram looks a little different on iOS

Meanwhile, if you’re sharing Instagram over Twitter, you might find that you can no longer preview Instagram photos directly in the social networking service.

With Facebook now owning Instagram, the retro image company has taken the step to force people to click on links that take them directly to Instagram and view the images there, stopping that Twitter preview system dead in its tracks.