JB HiFi joins the grey market game, attempts to undercut Kogan

Consumers looking for a cheaper price on cameras will now have a new avenue to turn to, with JB HiFi doing what Kogan did earlier this year and importing from overseas markets.

Looking specifically at camera products from Nikon and Canon, JB HiFi’s “Direct Import” section has been added to its website, allowing customers to buy products that may not necessarily be supported by an Australian warranty.

While only available online, JB’s direct import products also show up when performing a search, appearing with regular products and differentiated by the words “Direct Import” in the title and on a banner on the webpage.

A search on JB's website shows both types of cameras - regular and "direct import" - in the same search results.

The pricing on offer looks to undercut Kogan, the Australian e-tailer that a few months ago entered the grey market game with the import of smartphones, tablets, and digital cameras.

Many of the prices here seem to directly undercut Kogan by between $20 and $50, although can also be more expensive than some of JB’s own pricing for products with an Australian warranty.

As with all things, make sure to research your product before buying it. JB’s webpage does indicate that these products do come with a warranty, but doesn’t indicate whether it will be supported in Australia. If this is important to you, make sure to check with the company before buying.