Whirlpool AWZ3413 Sensor Clothes Dryer

What it is


A dryer that uses what’s called Whirlpool’s 6th Sense technology to electronically determine the exact amount of heat and time required to dry clothes. It can also be used to dry delicates.

Essential info

This dryer is great for drying clothes during the cooler months when the sun doesn’t shine bright enough or strong enough to dry a load of washing outdoors. It?s also a good solution for people in compact apartments that do not have adequate hanging space outdoors.

What we liked

  • 6th Sense technology promises to deliver the right amount of heat and air to dry your clothes
  • 6th Sense allows you to set it and forget it
  • Cycle finish alarm alerts you when the load is dry
  • Good variety of drying settings including delicates
  • Can be stacked on top of a washing machine thanks to an optional stacking unit

And what we didn’t

  • Spending $849 to dry clothes when sunshine is free

Energy rating

Two stars

Product trivia

Whirlpool estimates this product would cost $400 to run for 10 years, based on the machine being used to dry one load per day (142 minute cycle) for 10 years.

More information

If you are looking to buy a washing machine to accompany your clothes dryer, read our Washing Machines Buyers Guide here.

Reader Rating0 Votes
6th Sense technology, large drying capacity (6 kg), good variety of programs including delicates, optional stacking kit
Low energy rating (two stars), expensive to run