Don’t turn on your PlayStation 3!

Have you got one of the older, tubby versions of the PlayStation 3? Is so, you won’t want to pop in that copy of Heavy Rain you just bought when you get home today.

Responding to numerous bug reports yesterday, Sony has declared that you shouldn’t use “fat” PlayStation 3s because of a “bug in the clock functionality”. It’s like Y2K all over again, but worse. This time it’s your games at stake.

Sony PlayStation 3 (fat)
Don’t turn me on. Not today. Maybe tomorrow.

We noticed it last night when we tried to access the ABC iView service on our PS3 and it just wasn’t there. And our background was a different colour. And we couldn’t log into the PlayStation Network.

In any case, Sony is advising that until this is fixed – which won’t likely be until tomorrow – you may lose data if you turn on your old style PS3.

Sony PlayStation 3 (slim)
I’m completely fine. Feel free to use me.

If you’ve have one of the newer PS3 Slim models which went on sale last September (see picture above), you’re in the clear and there’s gaming on the horizon for you.


UPDATE: It’s fixed! You can now go back to your gaming.