Security tip: be socially aware

Perhaps we’ve just become too used to computers and the Internet, but apparently we’re all sharing information easily, often without thinking, offering cyber criminals an easy access path to invading our privacy.

According to a recent survey conducted by Symantec, Australians spend an average of 56 hours online per week, with the socialising rated as the thing we spend the second most amount of time doing, just behind browsing.

With more time spent talking to our friends on social networks, we’re all posting more information, much of which can be used to find where we live, what our history is, and all of that can be used as a way of disarming or breaking into our accounts.

“Almost half of Australians online show their social page to an open audience with no privacy settings, and 1 in 4 have added someone to their social network that they either didn’t know or trust,” said David Hall, Symantec’s Consumer Spokesperson for Norton. “With more people sharing information openly online, there is an increased chance of your personal information falling into the wrong hands.”

According to Symantec, one in ten Australians had their online accounts compromised last year (2011), giving you more reasons to be alert with your online security.

“Australians need to remain vigilant when utilising social networking sites, think before they click on links, set strong passwords and be careful about sharing personal identifiers,” Mr. Hall said.