World Backup Day tip: make sure to keep that phone backed up

These days, our mobile phones hold more information than other devices in our home, and if you live on your smartphone, chances are that the details you’re storing here are as important as the ones on your computer. So do yourself a favour and back them up.

It’s probably not wrong to say that you’d be lost without your phone, but what if your phone went missing?

With images, contacts, messages, videos, music, settings, emails, and a whole lot more stored on them, everything could be wiped out in one swoop, which is why it’s important to keep this device at least semi-backed up.

“We are living in a society when we’re always on the go,” said Aman Chand, Trend Micro’s Cyber Safety Expert. “Our lifestyle is built around convenience and whilst smartphones offer just that, the concept of backing up is often not even thought about.”

Luckily, there are programs that can do it for you.

Take a gander in the app marketplace made for your device and check out the apps made by security companies already working on software for computers, such as Symantec, Trend Micro, Kaspersky, and others.

Many of these will offer backup solutions, but there are also freebies you can sink your teeth into, including SMS backup options, which tend to back your messages to the space offered by free email providers.

Photos can also be backed up to your computer or storage in the cloud, and consider installing Dropbox or another cloud storage provider so you can keep the important bits and pieces slightly secure.