YouTube gets a little instant action


A student in California has found himself the centre of attention when a bet he made with a friend yielded not only a job offer, but a viral Internet sensation.


Only two days new, “YouTube Instant” is similar to last week’s “Google Instant” concept and allows users of YouTube Instant to type in any word or phrase, with the results appearing automatically on the website.
“It started out as a bet with my roommate,” Feross Aboukhadijeh’s website explains. “I bet him I could build real-time YouTube search in less than an hour. Sadly, I lost the bet – It took me 3 hours to finish it, and another couple hours to polish the user interface into what you see now at But, I’m happy with the result.”
The website was posted to Facebook and not long after, the creator of YouTube Instant was offered a job by the head of YouTube.